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What about teens

When it comes down to your teen children, moving can get as challenging as it gets. Because many emotional changes, fears and anxieties are closely related to moving away at this crucial age, you must pay especial attention to your teens. The good news is that, with a little planning, a lot of patience and a some good sense, you will help you children overcome their teenager moving anxiety.

Make them participate

The most effective key in moving pre-teens and teenagers to a new home is to delegate some of the responsibilities to them and make them feel they are in charge of part of the process. Depending on their age, have your moving teens help you organize the relocation logistics by researching for information, guiding their siblings, and perhaps even doing their own packing and unpacking. Most moving teenagers will love taking part in choosing new items needed at the new home or in their own new rooms, so if you can allow for it, permit them to be responsible for this section of the moving.

Provide them with enough time and tools to get use to the idea of moving

If it a local relocation, tell your teenage kids your are moving at least three months before you move; take them to the new home if feasible, and show them around the neighborhood (the new school, sport center, shopping malls, beaches, etc). If we are talking about relocation abroad or to a different part of the country, try to break the news as soon as you can. Explain the whole relocation will be a positive change for the whole family and that you will be there to help in any possible way. Either ways, provide your teen with practical positive tools to fight teenager moving anxiety by allowing him to vent his/her worries, and even consider the help of a counselor or guide to help your moving teenager make the transition. Also, emphasize the positive aspects of the moving and talk about the new place in terms that will result interesting to your teen.

Give time to say good-bye

Permitting for some farewell rituals like parties, extra time together with special friends, sleeping over nights with pals, etc helps moving teens give closure to the process of moving away in their own terms and turf. If probable, talk to your moving teens about nice options like coming back to visit friends, or guarantying Internet access for them to remain in touch with friends via e-mail or messenger. Teens moving anxiety is eased when they know for sure they can remain in touch with things, people and situations they know, even when your sociable teen will most likely start making a new life in at the new place quite soon. In any case, guarantee and overlapping of contexts to make things easier.

Be ready to listen and to be flexible.

Moving teens from one place to another is not easy and can take some time for them to get rid of their teenager moving anxiety. Keep your ears open and be prepared to offer a little bit more room than usual, your teen will certainly need it.

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